Memories Page

Memories from The Class of 1986

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I remember:


The band trips were always a blast to go on. Going to Nashville, Arizona, and Dallas! What a great time!


Favorite memory: All of us friends going out all the time, up and down the DRAG... I miss those guys. The reunion was pretty fun 4 years ago....I'm getting old!!


Senior Principal Gilbert Vasquez and his magic apple...the rest of the gang will remember this!
(Michelle Partridge)


Going to graduation rehearsal drunk and being called to the stage by the vice principal. Little did I know I had to sit on the stage for the graduation. (nope, he never knew I was drunk)


High school was a hard time for me. I did enjoy the weekends with Rachel, Deanna and Shelly and Choir Trips.


I remember 12 of us piling up in a car and going to lunch. We got pulled over and half of us had to find a way back to school.  Those of you involved will remember this.

1. 1985 - Radio station KUFO ran a promotion - to win, the contestants had to bring in the largest tumbleweed. I still have my KUFO silver listener's card.
2. The year Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off of a bat,  the Ozzy Osbourne concert was cancelled at the Ector County Colosseum due to a protest by "The Odessans for Decency" committee. Later that year the president of "The Odessans for Decency" was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in a prostitute's trailer out on Andrews Hwy. - or so the rumor was told.
3. Viva Taco Villa!


The Academic Decathlon Team went to regionals in Amarillo.  While there, someone from another team pulled the fire alarm and the hotel had to be evacuated. Two of our guys had been in the gift shop looking at Playboys and they ran out PANICKED because they thought  that the alarm was signaling that they were under 18 and in possession of pornography!
(Shelli Masters)


only having to go half day as I worked full time
(Terii Simmons)

This page last updated
May 12, 2001

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