Wild Bunch Memories

Here are some memories that others
have shared on the site. 
Some of them seem to take the
"Wild Bunch" nickname a little far...
(So we've omitted some names to protect the NOT-SO-INNOCENT!)

1942 WWII left us without an annual.
1955 Senior trip to MacKensie Park in Lubbock. Not my favorite memory:  I was the one accidentally stabbed as we were loading the busses for home.
1955 My friend ran for cheerleader our sophomore year and asked me to be her campaign manager to help get her elected. Sorry, I think that may be why you didn't make cheerleader that year.
1958 We painted the concrete block "ODESSA HIGH SCHOOL" letters above the field house. We did it as a graduation prank. Everyone liked it so much it is still being repainted.
1958 Forming the "Poor Boys" band and playing sock hops and assemblies. Once the R&R got so raucous that a boy and a girl got up to dance in the aisles. Mr. McMath shut down the assembly
1959 I was a lifeguard at West County Park and got a Saturday night date with a good looking girl that was visiting relatives in Odessa. After a show, cruising Tommy's, etc. we ended up at her relative's home. As we were walking up the sidewalk the trunk on my car popped open (the trunk didn't have a lock) and two of my friends crawled out. I was surprised and my date was quite upset! I guess it didn't help when I started laughing. I can't remember now who the two guys in the trunk were.
1959 Hunting rabbits with buddies from my jeep at various golf courses at night.
1959 Just days before graduation 9 of us skipped school went to the "Sand Hills" and went skinny dippin'in a cattle tank! It was tremendous fun...... until the old rancher who owned the property came flying down the dusty dirt road to see why his cattle were not drinking. Naturally when we saw the dust a 'flyin' we all jumped into the tank. He was actually very nice & explained to us that as long as we were in the tank his cattle would not come and drink. We apologized, he laughed and said, "you ladies don't stay too long".... WHAT WONDERFUL DAYS THOSE WERE!
1960 Miss White's Latin classes and the end of year Roman banquets...2nd year students lying on cafeteria tables, served by 1st year "slaves."
1963 Does any body remember sliding down the fire escapes? When you hit the doors at the bottom with your feet the doors opened and fire alarm went off. Then you run like ?#@ especially if there was no fire.
1964 Girlfriends giggling and struggling to hoist a junkyard toilet and lots of shaving cream into the front seat of an EX-boyfriend's car (he loved that car!) while it was parked behind the Scott Theatre. I think he was on a movie date. Must have been the woman scorned thing--but I can't remember his name now. I'm assuming the statute of limitations has run and all is forgiven--does anyone else remember it?
1965 Playing Catch with Roy Orbison. His Father-In-Law lived one block East of me on W. 24th and The Gatlin's lived three blocks west of me on the same street.
1969 Honking SAKARI in front of Nickie's drive in and looking for notes from friends on the board!
1974 Dressing up as hookers and going to the TG&Y parking lot and NO ONE recognizing us. S. A.  tried to get our phone numbers. My parents nearly killed me when I told them this one.
1977 squishing thru the muddy Pecos River on Senior Skip Day and then showing up for Senior Assembly rehearsal looking like mud people
1986 All the majorettes Shoepolished the cars of all the football players during summer practice one afternoon.  The coaches wouldn't let them off the field to stop us and all they could do was stand and watch ALL their cars have "SUGAR BOOGER" written on the back window!
1986 The Academic Decathlon Team went to regionals in Amarillo.  While there, someone from another team pulled the fire alarm and the hotel had to be evacuated. Two of our guys had been in the gift shop looking at Playboys and they ran out thinking that someone had pulled an alarm signaling that they were under 18 and in possession of pornography!
1986 Having a "seance" with a rosary candle in DW's room at the Sonora Speech tournament (what were we thinking?)
1988 It was either '87 or '88 a few of my classmates decided that Permian needed a facelift. They removed the "J" from "MOJO" renaming it "MOO". I still laugh about that one every time I drive by.
1999 One of my favorte memories was stealing the Taco Bell flag and getting busted. I had a $1,000 reward on my head in student crime stoppers. Here's to you Odessa High, my friends, my enemies, and those that inspired me.
















